Définition de concretely
concretely :
Clearly, specifically
▪ She explained her ideas concretely.
▪ Elle a expliqué ses idées de manière claire et précise.
▪ He spoke concretely about his plans.
▪ Il a parlé de manière concrète de ses projets.
▪ clearly – clairement
▪ specifically – spécifiquement
concretely [kənˈkriːtli]
The adverb has the stress on the second syllable "crete" and is pronounced as "kuhn-kreet-lee".
Phrases et grammaire courantes concernant les concretely
concretely - signification commune
Clearly, specifically
Changements de catégorie grammaticale pour "concretely"
▪ concrete (adjective) – tangible, specific
▪ concreteness (noun) – the quality of being specific or definite
Expressions courantes avec "concretely"
▪ explain concretely – expliquer concrètement
▪ speak concretely – parler concrètement
Exemples importants de concretely dans le TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, "concretely" is used to emphasize clarity and specificity in explanations.
Exemple de mot souvent confondu : abstractly (de manière abstraite)
Exemples de grammaire tirés du test TOEIC
"Concretely" is often used to modify verbs, indicating how an action is performed with clarity.
Idiomes et expressions figées dans le TOEIC
Différences entre des mots similaires et concretely
"Concretely" and "specifically" both imply clarity, but "specifically" focuses more on details.
Mots ayant la même origine que concretely
L'origine de concretely
The etymology of the word is not clear.
Structure du mot
The analysis of the composition of the word is uncertain.
Mots ayant la même origine
The root of the word is uncertain or difficult to confirm.