Définition de continental
continental :
related to a continent, mainland
▪ The company is expanding its continental operations.
▪ L'entreprise étend ses opérations continentales.
▪ The continental climate is suitable for agriculture.
▪ Le climat continental est adapté à l'agriculture.
▪ mainland – continent
▪ regional – régional
▪ broad – large
▪ extensive – étendu
continental [ˌkɒn.tɪˈnɛn.təl]
The adjective has the stress on the third syllable "nen" and is pronounced as "con-ti-NEN-tal".
Phrases et grammaire courantes concernant les continental
continental - signification commune
related to a continent, mainland
Changements de catégorie grammaticale pour "continental"
▪ continentalize (verb) – continentaliser
▪ continentalism (noun) – le continentalisme
▪ continentally (adverb) – continentale
▪ continentalness (noun) – état d'être continental
Expressions courantes avec "continental"
▪ continental breakfast – petit-déjeuner continental
▪ continental Europe – Europe continentale
▪ continental operations – opérations continentales
▪ continental climate – climat continental
Exemples importants de continental dans le TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In vocabulary questions on TOEIC, 'continental' is often used to describe something related to a continent or the mainland.
Exemple de mot souvent confondu : international (international)
Exemples de grammaire tirés du test TOEIC
In grammar questions, 'continental' functions as an adjective and may be tested in adjective-noun agreements or as modifiers.
Idiomes et expressions figées dans le TOEIC
'continental breakfast'
means a simple breakfast typically consisting of bread, coffee, and juice.
'continental divide'
refers to a boundary that separates the watersheds draining into different oceans.
Différences entre des mots similaires et continental
'continental' refers specifically to something related to a continent or the mainland, whereas 'regional' pertains to a specific area within a larger area.
mainland – continent
'continental' specifically relates to an entire continent or the main landmass, while 'regional' is limited to a particular region within a larger area.
Mots ayant la même origine que continental
L'origine de continental
The word 'continental' comes from the Latin 'continentem', meaning "holding together" or "continent".
Structure du mot
It is composed of the prefix 'cont-' (with), the root 'continent' (continent), and the suffix '-al' (adjective suffix), forming 'continental' which means "pertaining to a continent".
Mots ayant la même origine
The root of 'continental' is 'continent'. Words sharing the same root include 'continent' (continent), 'continentalize' (to make continental), and 'continual' (ongoing).