Définition de supply
supply :
Stock, provision
▪ We have a supply of fresh water.
▪ Nous avons un approvisionnement en eau fraîche.
▪ The supply was enough for the week.
▪ L'approvisionnement était suffisant pour la semaine.
▪ stock – stock
▪ provision – provision
supply :
Provide, furnish
▪ They supply the school with books.
▪ Ils fournissent des livres à l'école.
▪ The company supplies food to restaurants.
▪ L'entreprise fournit de la nourriture aux restaurants.
▪ provide – fournir
▪ furnish – approvisionner
supply [səˈplaɪ]
The word has the stress on the second syllable "ply" and is pronounced like "suh-PLY".
Phrases et grammaire courantes concernant les supply
supply - signification commune
Stock, provision
Provide, furnish
Changements de catégorie grammaticale pour "supply"
▪ supplier (noun) – fournisseur
▪ supplied (adjective) – fourni
Expressions courantes avec "supply"
▪ supply chain – chaîne d'approvisionnement
▪ supply and demand – offre et demande
Exemples importants de supply dans le TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, 'supply' is often used in contexts related to providing goods or services.
Exemple de mot souvent confondu : support (soutenir)
Exemples de grammaire tirés du test TOEIC
In TOEIC grammar questions, 'supply' can be tested as both a noun and a verb, focusing on its usage in sentences.
Idiomes et expressions figées dans le TOEIC
Différences entre des mots similaires et supply
'Supply' implies providing something that is needed, while 'provide' is more general and can include giving or making something available.
Mots ayant la même origine que supply
L'origine de supply
The etymology of the word is not clear.
Structure du mot
The analysis of the composition of the word is uncertain.
Mots ayant la même origine
The root of the word is uncertain or difficult to confirm.