Définition de thesis
thesis :
Thèse, mémoire
▪ She is writing her thesis on climate change.
▪ Elle écrit sa thèse sur le changement climatique.
▪ His thesis was well-received by the committee.
▪ Sa thèse a été bien reçue par le comité.
▪ dissertation – mémoire
▪ argument – argument
▪ proposition – proposition
▪ hypothesis – hypothèse
thesis [ˈθiː.sɪs]
Le nom a l'accent sur la première syllabe "the" et se prononce comme "thi-sis".
Phrases et grammaire courantes concernant les thesis
thesis - signification commune
Thèse, mémoire
Changements de catégorie grammaticale pour "thesis"
▪ theses (nom pluriel) – thèses
Expressions courantes avec "thesis"
▪ write a thesis – écrire une thèse
▪ defend a thesis – défendre une thèse
▪ submit a thesis – soumettre une thèse
▪ thesis statement – énoncé de thèse
Exemples importants de thesis dans le TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, "thesis" is often used in academic contexts.
Exemple de mot souvent confondu : theme (thème)
Exemples de grammaire tirés du test TOEIC
"Thesis" is tested as a noun in grammar questions, often related to academic writing.
Idiomes et expressions figées dans le TOEIC
"Thesis statement"
a concise summary of the main point or claim of an essay or research paper.
a contrast or opposition between two things, often used to show the opposite idea.
Différences entre des mots similaires et thesis
"Thesis" is often a requirement for a degree, while "dissertation" is a more detailed and lengthy document, typically for a doctorate.
"Thesis" is a statement or theory, while "hypothesis" is a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence.
Mots ayant la même origine que thesis
L'origine de thesis
"Thesis" comes from the Greek word "thesis," meaning "a proposition."
Structure du mot
It is composed of the root "thesis" (proposition), and does not have a prefix or suffix.
Mots ayant la même origine
The root of "thesis" is "thesis" (proposition). Words sharing the same root include "antithesis" (opposite proposition) and "synthesis" (combination of ideas).